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Children of Broken Homes

One of the sad things today is the children of all ages of broken homes living with one parent. Studies tend to show that children need the input and positive influence of both parents. Sadly, many live with one parent who is at war with the other parent. Whilst it may seem that one parent is winning and usually has custody, the truth is that the children usually suffer the most.

There are some happier cases where both parents are able to maintain separate homes and keep a civil and sometimes friendly relationship so the children can indeed benefit from both parents, but this is it appears to be the minority. The majority are possibly being exposed to friends of the opposite gender to their custodial parent being introduced into their lives, and for the young it can cause confusion and even frustration. I believe we all know cases like this where one or both parents are at war with each other.

The most disgusting area is where one or both parents lie and misinform their children about the other parent thus leading to years of misunderstanding and alienation. In some cases where both parents have legal custodial rights as set out in the terms of their divorce by the Family Court (A Federal Court in Australia with wide reaching powers), one parent (usually the one with the best financial support or income is able to manipulate things so that visiting rights and other contacts are disrupted for months and even years. In some cases the parent who has the child living with her or him may even change the child’s name (illegally and especially if it is the mother to her maiden name) and register that chills accordingly. This is illegal for it contravenes the terms of the divorce granting both parents equal rights and equal authority as to how the chills is brought up…

Whilst such actions are reprehensible, immoral and even illegal, they are very hard to counter legally without a protracted court case which is expensive often more than a parent can afford.  In some areas of society, such actions are seen as child abuse and in many more it is recognized as discrimination against the other parent.

This is a no win situation as the child is the long term looser and sufferer. The offending parent will eventually find that when the child finds out the truth, may bell turn against the offender or just walk away and sever all ties. Years ago Vietnam veterans were the highest suicide risk in the adult community. Not it is displaced fathers who have a very high suicide rate.. As a society are we to stand by helpless or do we gather momentum and support the established civil organizations to force our Administrators and law makers get off their backsides and enact better protective laws, empower both state and Federal Police to act earlier and investigate complaints which are often ignored and to force the courts to administer justice for the betterment of the child and the injured parent?

I know the heartbreak and suffering that such events cause the parent, we are helping one such lady in such a matter and will appear in a federal Court to help her get her son illegally removed by his father who faces prosecution for drug and arms dealing with a motorcycle gang. I too know from personal experience the frustration of such an event of  being stopped illegally from seeing a son and not electing to take the matter before the courts as it appeared that the boy’s mother was in fact a good mother and far better able to provide for him. Aye I know that path of moving daily close to suicide and believing it was better that he thought that his father died over seas,, Such things must be stopped before even more children and parents ate irreparably damaged.

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